Supply Chain Reporting

Large organisations are increasingly exposed to local and international ESG and sustainability reporting and performance requirements.

As operational reporting capability matures, these organisations are looking to their supply chains to provide information either mandated by local or international government regulation, financial and investor due diligence, or their own ESG and sustainability targets.

It is not uncommon for internal and external drivers to influence each other, and the best way to report is to start by using a standard that is:

  • Internationally adopted

  • Cross-sector

  • Compatible with key reporting systems that influence local rules e.g. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

If you are an:

Organisation impacted by changes to supply chain reporting requirements

Organisation within the supply chain of an impacted company

Our Solution

Simplified data collection

Information collection is arranged to match typical corporate reporting practices to establish a parallel set of disclosures, flagging items that are incomplete or missing. The process is adaptable, so that an organisation can prioritise key information.

Compliance and convenience.

The information collected isn’t random, every step in the process aligns with, and can be tracked back to a relevant standard. We don’t include what isn’t required, so that you and your team can stay focused on what they’re good at.

Consistent, not cookie cutter

Our baseline process was made for any organisation to start from a base standard, and prioritise what you disclose based on what is material to your organisation and stakeholders.

Databases you can act on

As the organisation requesting supply chain disclosures, aggregated data will allow you to act on strengths and weakness to the advantage of your business, and the business that you influence.

Build to help, not hinder

Meeting an organisations supply chain compliance is critical, as is competition within a supply chain. This solution was developed for information gathering and improvement, not for organisations to be disadvantaged. If incomplete or missing information is flagged, pathways for improvement can be offered. Commitment to improving and compliance is more valuable than vague, unsubstantiated, or misleading claims.

Streamlined strategy

Now you have a baseline, set organisational objectives and targets and create an action plan. From stakeholder engagement to emissions to waste to modern slavery, each organisation will have different goals set by their internal and external drivers.

Follow through

Your action plan will not implement itself. Saying you will do something is not the same as doing it. Avoid the greenwashing trap and make sure your action plan is properly implemented. Delivering tasks from your action plan takes time and energy. A dedicated resource is needed to make things happen.


After set periods of time it is critical that you measure if your goals and targets have been achieved. You need to communicate your progress internally to maintain engagement. Annual disclosure reporting will inform stakeholders of your progress.